Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5: Weekly Update


My revamped SMART goal is "Each week, I will drink at least 2 less cups of caffeine (8 oz) than the prior week."

Successes & Challenges
Ok so it didn't really work out to well this week either. With too many other things on my mind, caffeine-elimination wasn't among them. I again had 18 cups however. So while it wasn't a win, I consider it a tie. Can't really say I had much success this week. I did however go out and by some Apple Cinnamon tea. So we'll see how that goes this upcoming week.


Disappointed. But at the same time, I'm still not putting in as much effort as I should be. I'm looking forward to seeing my total for the upcoming week. I'm going home to the cities for the weekend, so there's probably 2 days where I won't have any caffeine. So I got that going for me

What I Learned

Without proper motivation, I'm not going to achieve my goal each week.  I think I need to figure out another way to motivate me to accomplish this.

Plans for Next Week

The SMART goal is going to stay the same. "Each week, I will drink at least 2 less cups of caffeine (8 oz) than the prior week."

Again, I now have Apple Cinnamon Tea. So I'm going to try my hardest to have that whenever I want some caffeine.