Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: Weekly Update

   "I will drink 3 or less cups of a caffeinated beverage (8 oz cups) each week for the next 10 weeks."
 BUT...I have decided to change my SMART goal that will be a little easier to accomplish, btu still get the point across.
"Each week, I will drink at least 2 less cups of caffeine (8 oz) than the prior week."
So think of it this way.  The 1st week, I drank 21 cups.  Last week, 19. This week, I hope to drink 17 or less.  By the end of the class, I should be down to less than a cup a day.

Successes and Challenges
So 2 weeks ago, I drank 21 cups.  This past week(Monday to Sunday) I drank 19 cups. So its an improvement. I didn't have any tea, or any substitute for that matter, I just forced myself not to drink as much.  Not the best tactic, but it some-what worked.

Mild happiness.  I improved, but at this point, it is just a minor improvement.  I can do better.

What I Learned
Again, it's going to be hell trying to quit this.  But I need to find a good substitute if I want to quit it successfully.  My best bet is finding a tea that tastes good. 

Plans For Next Week
Go to the grocery store and find a substitute.  Maybe look online as well to see what kind of options are out there.

Also, I blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change:Week 3 Linky Party hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic With Amy.