Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestlye Change Week 1: My SMART Goal


Hey there everybody.  My SMART goal is 'I will drink 3 or less cups of a caffeinated beverage (8 oz cups) each week for the next 10 weeks.'  This....will be tough for me, seeing as how I'm addicted and all.


This might not seem like an Eco-friendly change at first, but it really is.

• By limiting myself to 3 cups of that delicious coffee a week, I will be using less cups at the Coffee Shop on campus, which will create less waste.
• I will be buying less bulk coffee from the grocery store, and less creamer, which also will create less waste in the end.
• I will be using less water at my house, seeing as how I will have to make less coffee in my coffee maker at my house.  So, using less water = good.
• Also, I will be buying less pop.  So I won't be wasting materials that are used to manufacture and distribute.


This is important to me for a couple of reason.

1) My Health.  I am addicted to caffeine, I can admit that. Its an awful, but delicious problem at the same time. If I go a couple days without caffeine in my system, I begin to get sick, and I just all around can't function very well.  So I do not plan on eliminating it entirely just yet.  But by the end of the semester, I should be un-addicted.

Something I remember from taking Drug-Ed last year, was some of the side-effects of caffeine usage.  The main one I am concerned with is Memory Loss.  I have a hard time remembering 4 things I need to get at the grocery store without the use of a list.  So simply, me getting off of caffeine should ultimately lead to me having better memory.

2) Money - Say I buy a 12 pack of Mountain Dew a week, on top of having 2 cups of coffee on campus each week.  So the 12 pack costs 4 bucks about.  Same with 2 cups of coffee a week(at $2 a piece).  So that's $8 dollars a week on caffeine.  And honestly, that's taking it a little light. So $8 X 52 Weeks = $416. Oh how I would love to have that money in my pocket instead of using it to buy unhealthy drinks.

So there it is.  I hope to have good weekly reports for everyone!


Also, I blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1 Linky Party hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy