Thursday, October 15, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2: Weekly Update

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 My SMART Goal
My smart goal for this project is...
   "I will drink 3 or less cups of a caffeinated beverage (8 oz cups) each week for the next 10 weeks."
That ain't happening just yet.

Successes and Challenges
Wellthe main challenge is basically the fact that I am addicted.  Can't just quit that easily.  Last week, I took note of how many cups of caffeine I had throughout the week.  In 7 days, I had 21 cups of coffee.  My goal is to have less than 3 per week.  So this could be rough.

Monday - 2 cups.  Needed some coffee to help me study
Tuesday - 2 cups. I was just thirsty I guess
Wednesday - 0 cups!  What up! Don't know how I did it, but at the end of the day I was struggling to move.

Well, these past few days have been ok.  I don't expect to drop down to less than a cup of caffeine a day just yet.  So 4 cups in 3 days is good for right now.

What I Learned
It will be pretty hard to quit caffeine. But I have had some tea in the morning, and it has been doing an ok job at waking me up in the morning.

Plans For Next Week
Tea Tea Tea. Also, maybe trying some Orange Juice in the morning.  Someone tole me to try that, so I might give it a go.

Also, I blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change:Week 2 Linky Party hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic With Amy.